Real-Time DB Updates Example
This tutorial demonstrates how to use Macrometa GDN as a real-time database with local latencies across the globe.
- A Macrometa account with admin permissions.
- An API key with admin permissions. For more information, refer to Create API Keys.
- The appropriate SDK installed. For more information, refer to Install SDKs.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This page guides you through creating a collection, subscribing to the collection, and automatically adding and deleting data to the collection.
- Create a new JavaScript (.js) or Python (.py) file in your favorite IDE.
- Copy the code block below and paste it into your JavaScript or Python file.
- With each subsequent step, append the code block to the existing file and then run it.
If you want to skip the explanation and just run the code, then go directly to the Full Demo File.
Step 1. Connect to GDN
To update a database with Macrometa Global Data Network (GDN), you must first establish a connection to a local region.
When this code runs, it initializes the server connection to the specified region URL. For more information about connecting to GDN, refer to Authentication.
- Python SDK
- JavaScript SDK
# Import libraries
from c8 import C8Client
# Define constants
URL = ""
GEO_FABRIC = "_system"
API_KEY = "my API key" # Change this to your API key
print("--- Connecting to GDN")
# Choose one of the following methods to access the GDN. API key is recommended.
# Authenticate with API key
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=URL, port=443, apikey=API_KEY, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC)
# Authenticate with JWT
# client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=URL, port=443, token=<your token>, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC))
# Authenticate with email and password
# client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=URL, port=443, email=<your email id>, password=<your password>, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC)
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
// Choose one of the following methods to access the GDN. API key is recommended.
// API key
const client = new jsc8({url: "", apiKey: "XXXX", fabricName: '_system'});
// JSON Web Token
// const client = new jsc8({url: "", token: "XXXX", fabricName: '_system'});
// Or use email and password to authenticate client instance
// const client = new jsc8("");
// Replace values with your email and password (use it inside an async function).
// await client.login("", "xxxxxx");
Step 2. Set Variables
Set the variables required to run the code.
- Python SDK
- JavaScript SDK
import threading
import pprint
import time
# Variables
data = [
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistB"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistB"},
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
// Variables
const collectionName = "ddos";
let listener;
const data = [
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistB" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistB" }
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));
Step 3. Add Code
Add code to perform the following actions:
- Create a document collection called
to which you subscribe. If a collection by that name already exists, the existing collection is used instead. - Add
to the collection, then subscribe to the collection. In this example, we are adding IP addresses to block. - Delete the collection.
An existing collection must have streams enabled.
- Python SDK
- JavaScript SDK
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to closest region.
print(f"\n1. CONNECT: Server: {URL}")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=URL, port=443, apikey=API_KEY, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC)
# Create a collection if one does not exist
print(f"\n2. CREATE_COLLECTION: Server: {URL}, Collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
if client.has_collection(COLLECTION_NAME):
collection = client.collection(COLLECTION_NAME)
collection = client.create_collection(COLLECTION_NAME, stream=True)
# Subscribe to receive real-time updates when changes are made to the collection.
def create_callback():
def callback_fn(event):
client.on_change(COLLECTION_NAME, callback=callback_fn, timeout=15)
print(f"\n3. SUBSCRIBE_COLLECTION: Server: {URL}, Collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
rt_thread = threading.Thread(target=create_callback)
print(f"Callback registered for collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
# Insert documents into the collection to trigger a notification.
print(f"\n4. INSERT_DOCUMENTS: Server: {URL}, Collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
client.insert_document(COLLECTION_NAME, document=data)
# Wait to close the callback.
print("\n5. Waiting to close callback")
# Delete collection.
print(f"\n6. DELETE_COLLECTION: Server: {URL}, Collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
async function main () {
async function createCollection () {
console.log("\n1. Log in.");
// Create a collection if one does not exist.
console.log("\n2. Create collection.");
try {
console.log(`Creating the collection ${collectionName}...`);
const existsColl = await client.hasCollection(collectionName);
if (existsColl === false) {
await client.createCollection(collectionName, { stream: true });
// Subscribe to be notified when changes are made to collection.
listener = await client.onCollectionChange(collectionName);
listener.on("message", (msg) => {
const receivedMsg = msg && JSON.parse(msg);
console.log("message=>", Buffer.from(receivedMsg.payload, "base64").toString("ascii"))
// Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to closest region.
listener.on("open", () => console.log("Connection open"));
listener.on("close", () => console.log("Connection closed"));
} catch (e) {
await console.log("Collection creation did not succeed due to " + e);
await createCollection();
// Insert documents into the collection to trigger a notification.
async function insertData () {
console.log(`\n3. Insert data`);
await client.insertDocumentMany(collectionName, data);
await sleep(2000);
await insertData();
// Delete collection.
async function deleteCollection () {
console.log("\n4. Delete collection");
await client.deleteCollection(collectionName);
await sleep(10000);
await listener.close();
await deleteCollection();
Full Demo File
- Python SDK
- JavaScript SDK
from c8 import C8Client
import threading
import pprint
import time
URL = ""
GEO_FABRIC = "_system"
API_KEY = "my API key" # Change this to your API key
# Variables
data = [
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistB"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistB"},
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to closest region.
print(f"\n1. CONNECT: Server: {URL}")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=URL, port=443, apikey=API_KEY, geofabric=GEO_FABRIC)
# Create a collection if one does not exist
print(f"\n2. CREATE_COLLECTION: Server: {URL}, Collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
if client.has_collection(COLLECTION_NAME):
collection = client.collection(COLLECTION_NAME)
collection = client.create_collection(COLLECTION_NAME, stream=True)
# Subscribe to receive real-time updates when changes are made to the collection.
def create_callback():
def callback_fn(event):
client.on_change(COLLECTION_NAME, callback=callback_fn, timeout=15)
print(f"\n3. SUBSCRIBE_COLLECTION: Server: {URL}, Collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
rt_thread = threading.Thread(target=create_callback)
print(f"Callback registered for collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
# Insert documents into the collection to trigger a notification.
print(f"\n4. INSERT_DOCUMENTS: Server: {URL}, Collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
client.insert_document(COLLECTION_NAME, document=data)
# Wait to close the callback.
print("\n5. Waiting to close callback")
# Delete collection.
print(f"\n6. DELETE_COLLECTION: Server: {URL}, Collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const client = new jsc8({url: "", apiKey: "XXXX", fabricName: '_system'});
// Variables
const collectionName = "ddos";
let listener;
const data = [
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistB" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistA" },
{ ip: "", action: "block", rule: "blocklistB" }
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));
async function main () {
async function createCollection () {
console.log("\n1. Log in.");
// Create a collection if one does not exist.
console.log("\n2. Create collection.");
try {
console.log(`Creating the collection ${collectionName}...`);
const existsColl = await client.hasCollection(collectionName);
if (existsColl === false) {
await client.createCollection(collectionName, { stream: true });
// Subscribe to be notified when changes are made to collection.
listener = await client.onCollectionChange(collectionName);
listener.on("message", (msg) => {
const receivedMsg = msg && JSON.parse(msg);
console.log("message=>", Buffer.from(receivedMsg.payload, "base64").toString("ascii"))
// Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to closest region.
listener.on("open", () => console.log("Connection open"));
listener.on("close", () => console.log("Connection closed"));
} catch (e) {
await console.log("Collection creation did not succeed due to " + e);
await createCollection();
// Insert documents into the collection to trigger a notification.
async function insertData () {
console.log(`\n3. Insert data`);
await client.insertDocumentMany(collectionName, data);
await sleep(2000);
await insertData();
// Delete collection.
async function deleteCollection () {
console.log("\n4. Delete collection");
await client.deleteCollection(collectionName);
await sleep(10000);
await listener.close();
await deleteCollection();